Facts About Fermium and Chromium
Interesting Facts
- Fermium metal is highly radioactive in nature.
- Fermium is synthetically produced metal.
- Chromium is highly reactive, hence it is not found free in nature.
- Ores of Chromites mineral are the major source of Chromium metal.
- Almost 90% leather tanning is done with the help of chromium.
Bombarding Pu-239 with Neutrons
Found in Minerals, Mining, Ores of metals, Ores of Minerals
Who Discovered
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Louis Nicolas Vauquelin
In 1952
In Between 1797 - 1798
Abundance In Universe
Not Available
Abundance In Sun
~-9999 %
Abundance In Meteorites
Not Available
Abundance In Earth's Crust
Not Available
Abundance In Oceans
Not Available
Abundance In Humans
Not Available