- Compounds of Thallium metal are highly Toxic.
- Thallium metal is being suspected as a human carcinogen.
Found As a By-product, Ores of metals, Ores of Minerals 0
Abundance In Earth's Crust
0.00 % 42
- Thallium is a toxic metal and hence it has limited uses. Thallium metal is mostly used for producing photoelectric cells.
- In thermometer’s mercury alloy has 8% of thallium, as it has a melting point lower than 20°C.
Pauling Electronegativity
1.62 21
Sanderson Electronegativity
2.25 5
Allred Rochow Electronegativity
1.44 17
Mulliken-Jaffe Electronegativity
1.96 6
Pauling Electropositivity
2.38 33
Electrochemical Equivalent
7.63 g/amp-hr 2
Other Chemical Properties
Corrosion, Ionization, Radioactive Isotopes, Solubility 0
Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) 0
BCC-Crystal-Structure-.jpg#100 0
Valence Electron Potential
9.60 (-eV) 64
Density At Room Temperature
11.85 g/cm3 31
Density When Liquid (at m.p.)
11.22 g/cm3 13
Other Mechanical Properties
Ductile, Sectile 0