1 Facts
1.1 Interesting Facts
- Neodymium is not found free in nature, hence it is not a native metal.
- Neodymium metal found in minerals like Monazite and Bastnaesite.
- Thulium metal can resist corrosion due to dry air .
- Only Tm-169 isotope of Thulium metal occur naturally.
1.2 Sources
Found in Minerals, Mining
Found in Minerals, Mining, Ores of Minerals
1.3 History
1.3.1 Who Discovered
Carl Auer von Welsbach
Per Teodor Cleve
1.3.2 Discovery
1.4 Abundance
1.4.1 Abundance In Universe
1 * 10-6 %1 * 10-8 %
1.4.2 Abundance In Sun
~0.0000003 %~0.00000002 %
1.4.3 Abundance In Meteorites
1.4.4 Abundance In Earth's Crust
1.4.5 Abundance In Oceans
1.4.6 Abundance In Humans