- The only metal which burns in Nitrogen is Titanium.
- Titanium is also known as corrosion resistant metal.
Found in Minerals, Mining 0
W. Gregor & J. Berzelius 0
Abundance In Earth's Crust
0.66 % 7
- Its alloys are used in spacecraft, aircraft and ammunition industry.
- Its pipes are used in distillation plants, submarines, hulls of big ships, etc.
Aerospace Industry, Automobile Industry, Chemical Industry, Electrical Industry, Electronic Industry 0
Dentistry, Surgical Instruments Manufacturing 0
Alloys, Jewellery, Sculptures, Statues 0
Pauling Electronegativity
1.54 26
Sanderson Electronegativity
1.09 20
Allred Rochow Electronegativity
1.32 23
Mulliken-Jaffe Electronegativity
Not Available 0
Pauling Electropositivity
2.46 28
Electrochemical Equivalent
0.45 g/amp-hr 70
Other Chemical Properties
Chemical Stability, Ionization 0
Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) 0
HCP-Crystal-Structure-of-Titanium.jpg#100 0
Valence Electron Potential
95.20 (-eV) 10
Density At Room Temperature
4.51 g/cm3 70
Density When Liquid (at m.p.)
4.11 g/cm3 49
Other Mechanical Properties
Ductile 0