- Osmium metal does not oxidize in air unless it is heated.
- But if it heated den it forms Osmium Tetroxide, which is highly toxic.
Found As a By-product, Found in Minerals, Mining 0
Abundance In Earth's Crust
0.00 % 53
- Its has very limited uses and its alloys are very hard and are used in the manufacturing of pen tips, pivots, needles and electrical contacts.
It is also used as industrial catalyst to speed up the chemical reaction.
Aerospace Industry, Automobile Industry, Electrical Industry, Electronic Industry 0
Pauling Electronegativity
2.20 4
Sanderson Electronegativity
Not Available 0
Allred Rochow Electronegativity
1.52 12
Mulliken-Jaffe Electronegativity
Not Available 0
Pauling Electropositivity
1.80 49
Electrochemical Equivalent
1.77 g/amp-hr 38
Other Chemical Properties
Chemical Stability, Ionization, Solubility 0
Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) 0
BCC-Crystal-Structure-.jpg#100 0
Valence Electron Potential
91.40 (-eV) 12
Density At Room Temperature
22.59 g/cm3 9
Density When Liquid (at m.p.)
20.00 g/cm3 1
Other Mechanical Properties
Ductile 0