Element Family
Space Group Name
Fm_ 3m
Fm_ 3m
Interesting Facts
- Aluminum’s abundance percentage is more as it is found in more than 260 minerals.
- Pure Aluminum always reacts with oxygen rapidly.
- It is a good conductor of heat and electricity and used in transmission lines.
- Aluminum’s abundance percentage is more as it is found in more than 260 minerals.
- Pure Aluminum always reacts with oxygen rapidly.
- It is a good conductor of heat and electricity and used in transmission lines.
By Electrolysis Process, Earth's crust, Mining
By Electrolysis Process, Earth's crust, Mining
Who Discovered
Hans Christian Oersted
Hans Christian Oersted
In 1825
In 1825
Abundance In Earth's Crust
Uses & Benefits
- Aluminum is used in a various products; for example, cans, foils, kitchen utensils, window frames, beer kegs and aero plane parts, automobile parts, etc.
- Aluminum is used in a various products; for example, cans, foils, kitchen utensils, window frames, beer kegs and aero plane parts, automobile parts, etc.
Industrial Uses
Aerospace Industry, Ammunition Industry, Automobile Industry, Chemical Industry, Electrical Industry, Electronic Industry
Aerospace Industry, Ammunition Industry, Automobile Industry, Chemical Industry, Electrical Industry, Electronic Industry
Medical Uses
Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Surgical Instruments Manufacturing
Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Surgical Instruments Manufacturing
Other Uses
Alloys, Jewellery, Sculptures, Statues
Alloys, Jewellery, Sculptures, Statues
Non Toxic
Non Toxic
Present in Human Body
Physical State
Silvery Gray
Silvery Gray
α Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
β Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
γ Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
Pauling Electronegativity
Sanderson Electronegativity
Allred Rochow Electronegativity
Mulliken-Jaffe Electronegativity
Pauling Electropositivity
Electrochemical Equivalent
Other Chemical Properties
Chemical Stability, Ionization, Radioactive Isotopes
Chemical Stability, Ionization, Radioactive Isotopes
Electron Configuration
[Ne] 3s2 3p1
[Ne] 3s2 3p1
Crystal Structure
Face Centered Cubic (FCC)
Face Centered Cubic (FCC)
Crystal Lattice
Valence Electron Potential
Lattice Angles
π/2, π/2, π/2
π/2, π/2, π/2
Lattice C/A Ratio
Not Available
Not Available
Density At Room Temperature
Density When Liquid (at m.p.)
Not Available
Not Available
Other Mechanical Properties
Ductile, Malleable
Ductile, Malleable
Magnetic Ordering
Electrical Property
Critical Temperature
Not Available
Not Available