Group Number
Not Available
Element Family
Transition Metal
Space Group Name
Interesting Facts
- Cerium is a rare earth metal but still it is not rare at all.
- It’s non-toxic compound Cerium sulfide has a rich red color and it is used as a pigment.
- Cerium metal is also used in Flat screen TVs, light bulb, floodlights, etc.
- Ruthenium element has been extracted from used nuclear fuel.
- Ruthenium metal also produces as a by-product of the Nickel mining.
Found in Minerals, Mining, Ores of Minerals
By-product of Nickel Refining, Found in Minerals, Mining
Who Discovered
Martin Heinrich Klaproth, Jöns Jakob Berzelius, Wilhelm Hisinger
Karl Ernst Claus
In 1803
In 1844
Abundance In Earth's Crust
Uses & Benefits
- It is used to include flints for cigarette lighters.
- Its compound Cerium (Ill) Oxide is used as a catalyst; it is put inside the walls of the oven as it prevents from the buildup of cooking residues.
- It is used for producing chip resistors and contact.
- Ruthenium oxide is used to coat the anodes cells for chlorine production in chemical industry. It also works as catalysts for ammonia and acetic acid reaction.
Industrial Uses
Chemical Industry
Aerospace Industry, Automobile Industry, Chemical Industry, Electrical Industry, Electronic Industry
Medical Uses
Medical Research
Medical Research
Moderately Toxic
Low Toxic
Present in Human Body
Physical State
Silvery White
Silvery White
Vickers Hardness
Not Available
α Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
β Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
γ Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
Pauling Electronegativity
Allred Rochow Electronegativity
Allen Electronegativity
Not Available
Pauling Electropositivity
4th Energy Level
Not Available
5th Energy Level
Not Available
6th Energy Level
Not Available
Electrochemical Equivalent
Other Chemical Properties
Chemical Stability, Anti Corrosion, Ionization, Radioactive Isotopes, Solubility
Anti Corrosion, Ionization, Radioactive Isotopes, Solubility
Electron Configuration
[Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2
[Kr] 4d7 5s1
Crystal Structure
Double Hexagonal Close Packed (DHCP)
Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP)
Crystal Lattice
Valence Electron Potential
Lattice Angles
π/2, π/2, 2 π/3
π/2, π/2, 2 π/3
Lattice C/A Ratio
Not Available
Density At Room Temperature
Density When Liquid (at m.p.)
Tensile Strength
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Vapor Pressure at 1000 K
Not Available
Other Mechanical Properties
Ductile, Malleable
Ductile, Malleable
Magnetic Ordering
Electrical Property
Critical Temperature
Not Available
Not Available