



Chromium Dysprosium Comparison

1 Periodic Table
1.1 Symbol
1.2 Group Number
Gadolinium Metal
0 17
1.3 Period Number
Lithium Metal
2 7
1.4 Block
d block
f block
1.5 Element Family
Transition Metal
1.6 CAS Number
Aluminium Metal
7429905 54386242
1.7 Space Group Name
Im_ 3m
1.8 Space Group Number
Plutonium Metal
11 229
2 Facts
2.1 Interesting Facts
  • Chromium is highly reactive, hence it is not found free in nature.
  • Ores of Chromites mineral are the major source of Chromium metal.
  • Almost 90% leather tanning is done with the help of chromium.
  • Dysprosium acts stable in air at room temperature.
  • Dysprosium behaves very much like paramagnetic metal.
2.2 Sources
Found in Minerals, Mining, Ores of metals, Ores of Minerals
Found in Minerals, Mining, Ores of Minerals
2.3 History
2.3.1 Who Discovered
Louis Nicolas Vauquelin
Lecoq de Boisbaudran
2.3.2 Discovery
In Between 1797 - 1798
In 1886
2.4 Abundance
2.4.1 Abundance In Universe
1.5 * 10-3 %2 * 10-7 %
Thallium Metal
5E-09 0.11
2.4.3 Abundance In Sun
~0.002 %~0.0000002 %
Beryllium Metal
1E-08 0.1
2.4.5 Abundance In Meteorites
0.30 %0.00 %
Gold Metal
1.7E-07 22
2.4.8 Abundance In Earth's Crust
0.01 %0.00 %
Radium Metal
9.9E-12 8.1
2.4.10 Abundance In Oceans
0.00 %0.00 %
Protactinium Metal
2E-23 1.1
2.4.12 Abundance In Humans
0.00 %NA
Radium Metal
1E-13 1.4
3 Uses
3.1 Uses & Benefits
  • It is used to harden the steel and produces a stainless steel and other various alloys.
  • It is also used to give proper finish to polished mirrors. Its chromium plates are used in bathroom fittings.
  • Dysprosium metal is highly reactive due to which it pure form is not as usual as its alloy.
  • Thi metals alloy is used in magnate as it is resistance to high temperature.
3.1.1 Industrial Uses
Automobile Industry, Chemical Industry
3.1.2 Medical Uses
3.1.3 Other Uses
Alloys, Nuclear Research
3.2 Biological Properties
3.2.1 Toxicity
Highly Toxic
Mildly Toxic
3.2.2 Present in Human Body
3.2.3 In Blood
0.11 Blood/mg dm-3NA
Plutonium Metal
0 1970
3.2.6 In Bone
0.33 p.p.m.NA
Plutonium Metal
0 170000
4 Physical
4.1 Melting Point
1,857.00 °C1,407.00 °C
Francium Metal
27 3410
4.2 Boiling Point
2,672.00 °C2,562.00 °C
Flerovium Metal
147 5660
4.3 Appearance
4.3.1 Physical State
4.3.2 Color
Silvery White
4.3.3 Luster
4.4 Hardness
4.4.1 Mohs Hardness
Cesium Metal
0.2 8.5
4.4.4 Brinell Hardness
687.00 MPa500.00 MPa
Cesium Metal
0.14 3490
4.5.1 Vickers Hardness
1,060.00 MPa540.00 MPa
Palladium Metal
121 3430
4.7 Speed of Sound
5,940.00 m/s2,710.00 m/s
Thallium Metal
818 16200
5.2 Optical Properties
5.2.1 Refractive Index
Mercury Metal
1.000933 1.7229
5.2.2 Reflectivity
Molybdenum Metal
58 97
5.4 Allotropes
5.5.1 α Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
5.5.2 β Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
5.5.3 γ Allotropes
Not Available
Not Available
6 Chemical
6.1 Chemical Formula
6.2 Isotopes
6.2.1 Known Isotopes
Tennessine Metal
0 38
6.3 Electronegativity
6.3.1 Pauling Electronegativity
Francium Metal
0.7 2.54
6.3.3 Sanderson Electronegativity
Cesium Metal
0.22 2.56
6.3.5 Allred Rochow Electronegativity
Cesium Metal
0.86 1.82
6.4.2 Mulliken-Jaffe Electronegativity
Cesium Metal
0.62 2.48
6.4.4 Allen Electronegativity
Cesium Metal
0.659 2.7
6.5 Electropositivity
6.5.1 Pauling Electropositivity
Gold Metal
1.46 3.3
6.7 Ionization Energies
6.7.1 1st Energy Level
26,130.00 kJ/mol573.00 kJ/mol
Cesium Metal
375.7 26130
6.7.2 2nd Energy Level
28,750.00 kJ/mol1,130.00 kJ/mol
Ruthenium Metal
710.2162 28750
6.8.1 3rd Energy Level
34,230.00 kJ/mol2,200.00 kJ/mol
Osmium Metal
1600 34230
6.9.0 4th Energy Level
37,066.00 kJ/mol3,990.00 kJ/mol
Thorium Metal
2780 37066
6.10.1 5th Energy Level
97,510.00 kJ/molNA
Dubnium Metal
4305.2 97510
6.11.1 6th Energy Level
105,800.00 kJ/molNA
Seaborgium Metal
5715.8 105800
6.11.2 7th Energy level
114,300.00 kJ/molNA
Bohrium Metal
7226.8 114300
6.13.1 8th Energy Level
125,300.00 kJ/molNA
Hassium Metal
8857.4 125300
7.1.2 9th Energy Level
134,700.00 kJ/molNA
Yttrium Metal
14110 134700
7.1.3 10th Energy Level
144,300.00 kJ/molNA
Strontium Metal
17100 144300
7.1.5 11th Energy Level
26,130.00 kJ/molNA
Yttrium Metal
19900 169988
7.1.6 12th Energy Level
28,750.00 kJ/molNA
Molybdenum Metal
22219 189368
7.2.1 13th Energy Level
34,230.00 kJ/molNA
Molybdenum Metal
26930 76015
7.4.2 14th Energy Level
37,066.00 kJ/molNA
Molybdenum Metal
29196 86450
7.4.4 15th Energy Level
97,510.00 kJ/molNA
Manganese Metal
41987 97510
7.4.5 16th Energy Level
105,800.00 kJ/molNA
Iron Metal
47206 109480
7.5.2 17th Energy Level
114,300.00 kJ/molNA
Cobalt Metal
52737 122200
7.5.4 18th Energy Level
125,300.00 kJ/molNA
Nickel Metal
58570 134810
7.5.5 19th Energy Level
134,700.00 kJ/molNA
Copper Metal
64702 148700
7.5.7 20th Energy Level
144,300.00 kJ/molNA
Molybdenum Metal
80400 171200
7.5.8 21st Energy Level
157,700.00 kJ/molNA
Molybdenum Metal
87000 179100
7.6.1 22nd Energy Level
166,090.00 kJ/molNA
Molybdenum Metal
93400 184900
8.1.2 23rd Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
98420 198800
8.1.3 24th Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
104400 195200
8.1.6 25th Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
121900 121900
8.1.8 26th Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
127700 127700
8.1.9 27th Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
133800 133800
8.2.3 28th Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
139800 139800
8.2.4 29th Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
148100 148100
8.2.6 30th Energy Level
Molybdenum Metal
154500 154500
8.3 Electrochemical Equivalent
0.32 g/amp-hr2.02 g/amp-hr
Beryllium Metal
0.16812 8.3209
8.4 Electron Work Function
4.50 eVNA
Cesium Metal
2.14 5.65
9.2 Other Chemical Properties
Anti Corrosion, Chemical Stability, Ionization, Radioactive Isotopes, Solubility
Anti Corrosion, Ionization, Radioactive Isotopes, Solubility
10 Atomic
10.1 Atomic Number
Lithium Metal
3 117
10.3 Electron Configuration
[Ar] 3d5 4s1
[Xe] 4f9 6s2
10.4 Crystal Structure
Body Centered Cubic (BCC)
Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP)
10.4.1 Crystal Lattice
10.5 Atom
10.5.1 Number of Protons
Lithium Metal
3 117
10.6.1 Number of Neutrons
Lithium Metal
4 184
10.7.1 Number of Electrons
Lithium Metal
3 117
10.9 Radius of an Atom
10.9.1 Atomic Radius
128.00 pm178.00 pm
Beryllium Metal
112 265
10.9.2 Covalent Radius
139.00 pm192.00 pm
Beryllium Metal
96 260
10.10.2 Van der Waals Radius
200.00 pm229.00 pm
Zinc Metal
139 348
10.11 Atomic Weight
52.00 amu162.50 amu
Lithium Metal
6.94 294
10.12 Atomic Volume
7.23 cm3/mol19.00 cm3/mol
Manganese Metal
1.39 71.07
10.14 Adjacent Atomic Numbers
10.14.1 Previous Element
10.14.2 Next Element
10.15 Valence Electron Potential
170.00 (-eV)47.40 (-eV)
Francium Metal
8 392.42
10.16 Lattice Constant
291.00 pm359.30 pm
Beryllium Metal
228.58 891.25
10.17 Lattice Angles
π/2, π/2, π/2
π/2, π/2, 2 π/3
10.18 Lattice C/A Ratio
Beryllium Metal
1.567 1.886
11 Mechanical
11.1 Density
11.1.1 Density At Room Temperature
7.19 g/cm38.54 g/cm3
Lithium Metal
0.534 40.7
11.1.2 Density When Liquid (at m.p.)
6.30 g/cm38.37 g/cm3
Lithium Metal
0.512 20
11.2 Tensile Strength
689.00 MPa120.00 MPa
Indium Metal
2.5 11000
11.3 Viscosity
Mercury Metal
0.001526 0.001526
11.4 Vapor Pressure
11.4.1 Vapor Pressure at 1000 K
0.00 (Pa)NA
Cerium Metal
2.47E-11 121
11.4.2 Vapor Pressure at 2000 K
774.00 (Pa)NA
Tungsten Metal
2.62E-10 774
11.5 Elasticity properties
11.5.1 Shear Modulus
115.00 GPa24.70 GPa
Potassium Metal
1.3 222
11.5.2 Bulk Modulus
160.00 GPa40.50 GPa
Cesium Metal
1.6 462
11.5.3 Young's Modulus
279.00 GPa61.40 GPa
Cesium Metal
1.7 528
11.6 Poisson Ratio
Beryllium Metal
0.032 0.47
11.7 Other Mechanical Properties
12 Magnetic
12.1 Magnetic Characteristics
12.1.1 Specific Gravity
Lithium Metal
0.53 4500
12.1.2 Magnetic Ordering
12.1.3 Permeability
Bismuth Metal
1.25643E-06 0.0063
12.1.4 Susceptibility
Bismuth Metal
-0.000166 200000
12.2 Electrical Properties
12.2.1 Electrical Property
12.2.2 Resistivity
125.00 nΩ·m926.00 nΩ·m
Thallium Metal
0.18 961
12.2.3 Electrical Conductivity
0.08 106/cm Ω0.01 106/cm Ω
Plutonium Metal
0.00666 0.63
12.2.4 Electron Affinity
64.30 kJ/mol50.00 kJ/mol
Mercury Metal
0 222.8
13 Thermal
13.1 Specific Heat
0.45 J/(kg K)0.17 J/(kg K)
Americium Metal
0.11 3.6
13.2 Molar Heat Capacity
23.35 J/mol·K27.70 J/mol·K
Beryllium Metal
16.443 62.7
13.3 Thermal Conductivity
93.90 W/m·K10.70 W/m·K
Neptunium Metal
6.3 429
13.4 Critical Temperature
Ytterbium Metal
26.3 3223
13.5 Thermal Expansion
4.90 µm/(m·K)9.90 µm/(m·K)
Tungsten Metal
4.5 97
13.6 Enthalpy
13.6.1 Enthalpy of Vaporization
348.80 kJ/mol230.00 kJ/mol
Zinc Metal
7.32 799.1
13.6.2 Enthalpy of Fusion
15.31 kJ/mol11.05 kJ/mol
Cesium Metal
2.1 35.23
13.6.3 Enthalpy of Atomization
397.50 kJ/mol301.00 kJ/mol
Mercury Metal
61.5 837
13.7 Standard Molar Entropy
23.80 J/mol.K75.60 J/mol.K
Beryllium Metal
9.5 198.1